NetWorks allows you to analyze and plan networks creatively and efficiently. You can use a comprehensive range of specific products which have been implemented based on a standard multi-layer concept for different technologies and different services. NetWorks has an efficient model and data management and simplifies the handling by the graphical-tabular user interface. The software tools of the NetWorks family support the analysis, planning, and optimization of networks using: 2G, 3G, and 4G wireless technologies such as GSM, GPRS, UMTS, WiMAX, HSPA for the fixed network components TDM and WDM transport technologies (SDH, DWDM) Packet-based technologies (IP, MPLS, ATM, Ethernet) Modern access technologies (PON, DSL, Ethernet) NetWorks has an efficient model and data management and simplifies the handling by the graphical-tabular user interface. With its geographical, schematic and table view the user has access to the data and topology of his networks. Source:

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